Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2011 Resolution...I'm gonna' keep this one!!!

Hey friends and family!

The first of the year is the time to make resolutions, right? Well, here is one of my resolutions: Try at least one new cupcake recipe every month. Not a bad resolution, wouldn't you say? I have several really great cupcake recipe books and can't wait to get started. So, without futher is the first experiment.

Banana Chocolate Cupcakes!!! You can't beat bananas and chocolate together...unless it's peanut butter and chocolate, but that's a cupcake I'll save for another day.

They smelled soooo good while they were cooking. Anna helped me make them and we decided to make mini-cupcakes. All the better to pop into your mouth!

Don't they look delicious? The taste of banana and chocolate was perfect topped with a delicate cream cheese icing. Next time you have a few extra bananas, skip the banana bread and go for these yummy cupcakes! Check out this online version:

Enjoy!!! Will be back with some more yummy experiments soon!

1 comment:

  1. YUM!! I love blogs and am so glad I will be able to keep up with yours :) I am going to have to be careful though cause I am going to want to make (and eat) everything you post :P

