Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Valley and The Mountain

My friends,

I enjoy many things and especially love adventures. I wanted to share with you an adventure that I had just the other day. Here is an excerpt from my journal:

I wanted to spend the afternoon with Jesus, so I got all my "God-gear" together and headed to the great outdoors. As I was hiking to my favorite spot on the river, I was enjoying the beautiful sounds of the creeks flowing nearby and the birds singing. It was all sooooo refreshing! Until...I came to "my spot". Someone was already there, not just anyone but a guy who was squawking like I bird. Now, I believe that everyone should be allowed to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, but not in "my spot". After that disappointment, I was ready to turn around and hike back to my car. At this moment, I realized that I was so wrong. I had come to a place to meet with my beloved, Jesus. I wasn't suppose to let someone being in "my spot" deter me from spending time with the Lord. So, I stayed on the path that took me onto the top of the mountain and there in the warm sunlight was a boulder. This is where God wanted to bring me to meet with Himself.
That's when it hit me, that God wanted to show me the mountain top. The low place near the river ("my spot") is like the sorrows, suffering and pain of life. But the spot that God brought me to on the top of the mountain is like being restored in faith and a fresh annointing of the Holy Spirit.

When I finally sat down to seek Him, these are the words that He showed me: "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up."-Psalm 71:20

So, as the psalmist said, "I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praise to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you-I whom you have redeemed."-Psalm 71:22 & 23

Thank you, God for taking me out of my routine in order to enable me to see that you want to take me out of the valley and annoint me anew with your Spirit and love.

My friends, allow God to take your sorrows, suffering and pain. Allow Him to take you to the mountain top. He wants to love on you and give you a fresh annointing of His Spirit!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Joy,

    All i can say is wow.. God is really working thru you and useing your tests as TESTimonys.. My the Lord continue to bless you with wisdom, guidance, love, health and protection. Jesus is doing amazing things thru you and the light you have always had in you is so bright now its coming thru your blogg..... Love ya Girl

