Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thankful Update

Hey guys!

A new update on my health…oh goodie! Actually this update brings some good news and thankfulness!

Recently, I had let you know that we would need to be changing things about my treatments and such. After much pray and a whole lot of research we found a doctor in Atlanta that we felt would be able to help me with Lyme disease and/or any other autoimmune disease that I might be dealing with. Dr. B is not covered by our insurance, but all the labs (with the exception of Lyme labs) are covered by insurance. We are so thankful that some of the cost will be covered by insurance!

I was also able to get a new patient appointment fairly quickly. I had the appointment yesterday. Jason went with me and we were both impressed with Dr. B’s knowledge about Lyme as well as other conditions that concern us.

She spent over an hour with me talking about all my crazy symptoms and treatments to this point. She was very thorough in her assessment of me. After my appointment with the doctor I stepped into a room in the clinic for two thyroid tests. Then I was moved to another room where they took 22 vials of blood. The blood work was mostly general with the exception of several thyroid tests and a few that look at the bacteria in my blood. Dr. B sent me home with a prescription for an antibiotic treatment for two weeks. At the end of those two weeks, I will go (locally) for more blood work to be sent to IGeneX labs, which specialize in Lyme testing. The reason for the antibiotics before the test is that hopefully some of the aggressive Lyme bacteria would die. The blood work should then pick up the dead bacteria…gross, right? It just gives a better chance of the bacteria actually being in my blood when the test is done.

I have a follow up appointment at the beginning of January to discuss all the test results as well as a treatment plan. We briefly talked about possible treatment options yesterday. Without knowing what we might be dealing with Dr. B didn’t go into too much detail, but we were excited about the possibilities that she offered. One of the possible treatments is one that Jason and I both researched and are very impressed with. However, most treatments will not be covered by insurance.

In the meantime, my little family and I have been trying to enjoy the good days. We recently went to a nearby town and checked out two covered bridges and simply enjoyed the fall colors. We also put together a fun thankful wreath. All three of us thought about things that we were thankful for. Baby Girl's were simple: food, clothes, mommy, daddy and her doll, Sally. Jason and I thought of many things that we are thankful for: a lovely home, family, friends, and healing. We just want to let you know that we are so thankful for your prayers. Without them, we don’t know where we would be. Thank you!

“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” –James 5: 15-16

We continue to pray for financial renewal. We are also praying about God’s provision for a water filter in our home. We also continue to pray for wisdom as we consider what treatments to pursue in January. And of course, we pray for healing!

We love you and are so thankful for you!

Joy People and family