Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm Back

Hello friends!

It has been a long time. I feel like I have been way too neglectful. But instead of spending several paragraphs apologizing and feeling bad, I will simply say that I am very sorry.
Okay, now that that is out of the way, on to all the fun things that God has been doing. The past few years have been a roller coaster ride of ups, downs, and in-betweens. The thing that has been constant is God and His goodness. I think of song, “Not for a Moment” by Meredith Andrews, and the words, “you are constant. Not for a moment, will you forsake me.” That has been so true these past few years. God and His goodness have been constant and no circumstance, good or bad, has changed that.

Last year, I married my best friend and we have started a home in a place that is totally new to me. We both made it through the wedding and all the craziness that goes along with planning a wedding in only three short months. However short it may have been, we both decided that three months was more than plenty of time to plan our simple wedding and include the special people that we wanted to celebrate with. It was a beautiful time with friends and family. We wouldn’t have traded that time to celebrate all that God has and is doing.

We have been putting things together in our home and have met with challenges and blessings. When we decided to take the wallpaper down in our foyer, we found that there were three layers of wallpaper and the wallpaper was pulling the sheetrock apart. Oh dear! What should have been an easy paint job turned into a three week project that we have just finished. The results are beautiful, but getting there was a challenge. We have been blessed to have a beautiful home and many beautiful things to fill it with. Our family and friends have truly blessed us in many tangible ways. We can’t thank the Lord enough for all the fun ways that He is blessing us.

I was able to get a great job in our new location. And I actually like my job. I get up every morning, help with breakfast, send my husband off to work and then hop in my car for my journey to work. I am finished with work after lunch and get to head home to be a wife. What more could you ask for?

Well, we didn’t have to ask the Lord for more, but He gave it to us. We are expecting our first child. WOW! I am going to be a mom. God has blown my mind! I can’t even begin to tell you how thrilled we are that God is entrusting a little one to our care.

After all the wonderful things that God has done for us, we are still asking God for more. We want more opportunities to see His hand at work. We want to see more of His plans for our everyday lives. We want to have more of His love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. We want more of Him.

Okay, that is all for now. I will attempt to continue to catch you up on the Wonderful World of Joy and all that includes. Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joy. Congrats on being a mom to be! That is so exciting. Glad you are doing well. -AJ
