Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sad But Sometimes True

Hey friends,
This evening I was catching up with a few friends through Facebook. If you aren't that Facebook savvy, there is this thing called a "news feed" where I can read a new post from the people that I am friends with. The great thing about the "news feed" is that I am constantly kept up-to-date on what is going on in the world of my friends. So, I was surfing through the world of my friends when this video popped up on the feed. At first glance, it may seem kind of funny, and it is. But...it is even more... it is convicting. Oh, how we take the Lord for granted and focus on ourselves. Take a listen...enjoy and laugh...but don't lose the chance to let the words sink in and maybe even get you to thinking about the state of your own heart. I know it made me consider the state of my heart. Until next time...

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