Thursday, August 11, 2011


Clouds!!! Oh, how I love clouds. I know that I have shared before that I have always been fascinated with clouds and it is so true. I could spend a nice quiet afternoon laying on my back in a grassy meadow simply watching clouds. Maybe it’s just the child in me, but it so fun to watch them dance across the blue sky.
As I was driving into work this morning I was stopped at every red light on the way. However, instead of getting upset that I was going to be late to work, I started watching the clouds. On a normal morning, I get to enjoy watching the sun rise over the buildings in town. It is always a quiet and peaceful time. This morning it was dark and it looked like it was going to rain. You couldn’t see the sun at all because of the dark ominous clouds.
I was a little bummed out because things in my life haven’t been looking that great. It seems like I am going through a stormy time, when my prayers are hitting the ceiling. Let me put it this way, if it could happen, it has and if there are blessings, they seem to be delayed. Please hear my heart, I’m not complaining, because I know that everything works together for my good. God is simply refining me. And I am joyful in that. But the cares of this world have just been wearing me down. I am weary in the stormy place.
As I saw the dark clouds this morning, I thought: great, the clouds are even gloomy, just like my life! But thankfully, my drive was not over yet. Otherwise, I would have missed the beautiful sun peeking through the dark clouds. At the exact moment that I saw the sun, I heard a song about God’s radiant love. Oh friends, in that moment I realized that even though I couldn’t see the sun, it was still there. And God’s love is even more that way. It is always there, even in the gloomy moments, when I can’t see it. He is always faithful and true. His love never changes!
I walked into work, having confidence that He will give me enough grace to make it through the gloomy places because He loves me. I hope this encourages your heart too. He loves you and that never changes. No matter what we are going through or how hard the trials may seem, He is faithful! Let Him love on you today…even if it’s through a cloud :)
Until next time...

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