Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Hawk

Hey my friends,
I went to a local lake the other day and was enjoying a beautiful sunny day with my Jesus. The sun was reflecting off the lake. There was laughter of children playing in the water. There were fishermen out on the lake. The birds were chirping and singing. It was a beautiful day!
I settled into a spot on the docks near a couple that was fishing. I throw my feet over the docks and enjoyed the cool water on my feet. I started to read, but was quickly interupted by a fight in the air. All I heard was this little bird chirping and "fussing". I looked up into the sky and saw a little bird diving and trying to attack a big hawk. I laughed at the futility of the situation. That little bird, for whatever reason, was very upset with the big hawk. However, in an instant the hawk could have flown away leaving the little bird in his dust. After watching for seven minutes as the hawk soared and the little bird dived and fussed, the hawk soared up into the sky and left the little bird behind. I can only imagine that the little bird was still very frustrated.
As I sat in the calm quiet thinking about what I had just seen, I was reminded of several conversations that I have recently had about prayer and God. One conversation went something like this: "I just know that God gets tired of me coming and asking Him for the same things." Another conversation went like this: "I feel like God doesn't want to hear my prayers, because He already knows what I want and need." Even the other day, I heard a lady say, "I know I'm His daughter, but I feel like He gets weary of my requests."
I feel like we think of ourselves like the bird that was pestering the hawk. We sometimes think that we are bothering God with our prayers and requests.
Let me declare to your heart today, that He loves for His children to talk to Him. He loves for us to bring our requests to Him. He doesn't sit in a throne room, in pomp and splendor, simply enduring our prayers. He values our prayers. He values them because He values the relationship He has with you!
One last thought, just in case you don't believe me. Here are His words for you:
"The LORD is near unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. The LORD preserves all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy." -Psalm 145:18-20 (KJV)
On this journey I find it hard to believe this truth sometimes. However, I do believe that my Father loves to hear from me as much, if not more, than I enjoy talking to Him. Believe this truth of your loving Father. Be blessed until next time...

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