Sunday, July 3, 2011

Frosty...not the snowman :)

During the summer there is nothing better than a nice cool dessert. Our dessert of choice on those really hot days is homemade frosties. My family went to a friends house a few years ago and they served us these frosties. I knew the minute I tasted them, I had to have the recipe.
So, grab your icecream churn and give them a try...I promise you won't regret it :)

Homemade Frosty Recipe
1 can sweetened condensed milk
A half gallon of chocolate milk
1 Large Cool Whip (no substitutes)

Mix all ingredients together in a very large bowl. Pour the frosty mixture into your icecream churn. Churn for about 15 minutes or until the mixture reaches a frosty consistancy. (On really hot days, it takes our frosties almost an hour to get to the correct consistancy, so just keep an eye on it.)
Enjoy! Until next time...

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