Friday, February 18, 2011

A Jump On Spring Cleaning or Just Plain Rusty

Hey friends,
So I got this crazy idea to start cleaning out my whole room...this may seem like a simple task, but you obviously haven't seen my room if you think this. Let's just say that I use every inch of my room. It is normally somewhat organized, but there is something in every nook and cranny of my room. I not only decided to clean my room, but I have for quite some time felt that I needed to purge my room. So, that is the task that I have undertaken...I think I have lost my mind :) At the very least, I may lose my mind before this project is over.
Anyway, I opened the pretty pink chest that has always sat at the end of my bed and to my surprise I found some of my precious books that I read when I was just a babe. What nearly knocked me off my feet was the horrible smell of decaying paper. Yuck!!! Not the kind of odor that you want in your bedroom.
So, I quickly moved all the books that I wanted to keep into a plastic container and realized that the smell was coming from the chest itself. Hmmm...I was thinking it was time for the chest to find a new place of residence. Then...I moved the chest.
To my unpleasant surprise I found a dry rust stain that was about 2 feet wide. YIKES!!! Can I just say that rust stains don't normally just come up with a regular carpet cleaner.
Being the resourceful person that I am, I immediately went online to find a solution. There were many solutions, so the hard part was deciding which one to try first.
I decided to try cream of tartar mixed with water that made a paste. This helped, but didn't do away with the stain. It made for a few funny comments from my family, because it really looked like I had smeared toothpaste all over my carpet.
Anyway, on to lemon juice mixed with water. I sprayed this directly on the stain and left it for about 7 minutes (I read that it could take the color out of the carpet if let for more than 10 minutes). This did take some of the stain away. So now I was left with a stain that was about 1 foot wide.
Decided to try plain dish detergent mixed into water. I dabbed this all over the stain. This process was again very comical to my family. My dad thought that it looked like I was pumping someones stomach...I became quite involved in the dabbing process :) This process really didn't make any difference at all. Just good for a few laughs!
So, now it was time to turn to the chemical based cleaners. They didn't work at all! (I declare this as a tear or two escape.)
I suppose my only option for the moment is to cover it with a rug. If you have any thoughts that would help in my quest for a rust-free carpet, let me know.
Until the next adventure...

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