Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Favorite Spot and Deer

Dear friends,                                       
This is a picture of my favorite spot. This is the place that I go to be still and hang out with Jesus. It is so peaceful in my spot!
I was so excited that it was a sunny day and I was able to hike to my favorite spot. I was reflecting and praying as I hiked into the woods, so I suppose for once I was being quiet. If you know me that well, you know that being quiet is not my strongest quality :)
Anyway, as I turned the corner, there were two beautiful white-tailed deer drinking at one of the streams along the way. It was a moment of bliss and then it was over. They realized I was there and ran toward the other side of the mountain.
In this moment God reminded me of why I was headed into the woods...to be with Him. This scripture immediately came to mind:

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" Psalm 42: 1-2

I also had another thought as I hiked a little more before getting to my spot. Do I long to meet daily with God? Do I really thirst for His presence? On this day, I know that I did long greatly for His presence. I am so glad that He and I got to enjoy some precious time together.
Do you long for His presence?

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