Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dear friends,
I am no theology major and I don't claim to know all there is to know about anything, much less the Bible. But I am learning! That is the fun part of my relationship with the Lord, He is always showing me something new and exciting about Himself and His word.
During this Holy Week, I have been reading about my beloved, Jesus Christ, and His sacrifice for you and me. This morning I was reading John 10:10 again. This is not a scripture that is new to me, but God showed me something really cool that I wanted to share with you.

John 10:10-"The thief comes only in order that he may steal and may kill and may destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance- to the full, till it overflows." (Amplified Version) 

Jesus didn't come JUST to die in order to give you and me salvation. Nope, He came so that we would be able to live a life of fullness. What does that look like? That is what I have been pondering and I think the Lord is showing me what some of that may look like. To live in fullness of Him, is to live beyond ourselves. It is to live from the inside out. Am I making sense? Maybe I'm not, but what I am getting at is this: God wants to continue to live in and through us. He didn't just make the sacrifice to leave us there...He wants us to live fully.
For me fullness in Him is so much more than I ever imagined. It is healing. It is answered prayers. It is walking in obedience. It is having the very character of God. It is having the fruit that only comes through the Spirit. It is being slammed with revelations of who God is. It is living in community with other strong believers. It is indescribable. It is not logical and can't be grasped. And it is not attainable in our means...It is something that God willingly gave us.
All it takes is our willingness in asking for God to not just bring salvation, but fullness to our lives. I am willing to ask for fullness. How about you?

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